McHenry County Women of Distinction 2018
Boulder Ridge Country Club, Lake in the Hills, IL
Join us at 11am on May 10, 2018 at the Boulder Ridge Country Club for the 2018 Women of Distinction awards luncheon.
Registration starts at 11, lunch begins at 11:30am.
Tickets are $37 each. Seating is general admission, however full tables may be reserved in advanced by purchasing a full table option or contacting Meredith at [email protected].
Join us at 11am on May 10, 2018 at the Boulder Ridge Country Club for the 2018 Women of Distinction awards luncheon.
The Women of Distinction Award will be presented to women who have been chosen as representative role models and leaders in their fields and communities. A welcome reception will provide networking opportunities preceding lunch and the award ceremony. The award ceremony will honor the 2018 Women of Distinction and provide honorees with an opportunity to share their stories. Registration starts at 11, lunch begins at 11:30am.
Congratulations to the 2018 Women of Distinction!
Bobbi Baehne, Geri Condon, Regina Belt Daniels, Shira Greenfield, Lori Harms, Patti Lutz, Sue Miller, Carole Peters, Erin Smith, Elizabeth Felt Wakeman
Questions? Call Meredith at 815-526-4534 or email [email protected]

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.
All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.

350 Boulder Drive
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156